Brandon Bosch, CME: Dr. Marketing: Ownership Interest (stocks, stock options, patent or other intellectual property or other ownership interest excluding diversified mutual funds) (Ongoing)
Dr. Marketing is here to help you make sense of the complex world of dental marketing. Most practices are unaware of all the interesting ways to generate patient leads, how a lead can be tracked through a Google or Facebook campaign or how much a marketing budget should be and what it should be spent on. This Presentation will cover common marketing mistakes, rules and regulations the association sets, determining a proper marketing budget and more. You will also discover strategies of what some of Dr. Marketing’s top dental practices are doing across the country.
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Learning Objectives:
Learn the difference between Google, Facebook and print marketing
Discover how marketing campaigns work
Understand how leads are generated and tracked
Learn how to set up a proper marketing budget
Lean what top dental practices are doing across the country when it comes to marketing